Should You Use an Electric Shock Collar for Training Your Dog? 

Should You Use an Electric Shock Collar for Training Your Dog? 

Electric shock collars have been used for years to train dogs to stop barking, respond to commands, and stay in the yard. As with any training method, there are pros and cons to the process. 

A shock collar should never be used to punish a dog, but as a deterrent. Advocates of the collars say that an uncomfortable jolt deters the dog from unwanted behaviors. The shock acts as a reminder to stop as it grabs the dog’s attention while leaving no lasting physical harm to the animal. 

Most shock collars have several types of enforcement and stimulation levels. You use the controls to pick the reprimand you want. Some collars will make a loud buzz/beep and others will vibrate so you can alert the dog that if the animal does not cease the unwanted action, then a shocking jolt will come. 

Pros of a Shock Collar

Below are a few pros of a shock collar to consider:


Modern shock training collars let you issue a warning beep or vibration before a shock. They also provide various adjustable shock levels. You might also encounter collars that administer an unpleasant smell that is blasted up towards the dog’s nose before a shock is issued. 

Provides Fast Results

Shock training collars do provide you with rapid results because most dogs do respond to the collar and cease the unpleasant action. Typically, it will take only a few shocks to stop the unwanted behavior. 


Most shock collars are affordable compared to enrolling your dog in professional training courses. 

Do Not Need to Be Present

If your dog has barking issues, then you can purchase an automatic shock collar that is triggered every time the dog barks, so you don’t have to be present to activate the chock mechanism. 

Cons of an Electric Shock Collar

As with any training device, there are drawbacks to using a shock collar.

Causes Pain

Yes, the electrical shock does cause pain to the dog. The jolt is fast and does not physically harm the animal, but it doesn’t feel exceptionally good either.


Some owners feel that the shock is an over-correction for a mild offense. Although with the various settings that collars have such as a beep, vibration, or foul odor burst, you now have options to render a milder correction before you use the shock choice. 

Lack of Positive Reward

The dog often does not associate the shock with the behavior due to a lack of positive reward. Instead, the shock collar simply focuses on the reprimand and uncomfortable jolt.

Using an Electric Shock Collar on a Small Dog 

Small dogs typically do not respond to a shock training collar well. Instead, they are predominately used for large breeds. The collars are especially favored for use on sporting breeds during hunting training. 

Choosing an electric shock collar is not for every pet owner. However, when used correctly most people view the collar as a humane training aid. 

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I think shock collars should be outlawed. I would never use one on my dog and I don’t want to be around people that do.
They are cruel and inhumane. It takes time to train a dog and this is just a lazy persons way of controlling their dog.

Elaine Holley

I have used a shock collar on all of our dogs. I love them as we have a lot of property so they can go explore without being with them. I have only had a husky that left the yard but she was was disoriented and passed away the next day. Of old age. All have lived long and none were hit by a car. Will always have the collar on all future pets

nancy woods

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